Paddo Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Nov 25 2023

  1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy outlines the procedures by which Paddo & Co. Inc. (“Paddo,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) manages your personal information in connection with our Services. Serving as your comprehensive guide, this policy details the collection, use, retention, and disclosure of your data when engaging with Paddo’s websites (including, mobile applications, or any other Paddo products, services, or events referencing or integrating this Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as “the Services”).

It is essential to understand that this Privacy Policy does not apply in the following scenarios:

  • Third-Party Sites: Our Services may include links, integrations, or references to websites, services, or materials controlled by third parties. These entities have distinct data practices, and if you share personal information with them or direct us to do so, your data falls under their respective privacy statements.
  • Existing Customers and Users: If we access or use your personal information on behalf of your organization (our customer), we operate as a “service provider” or “data processor” as per the agreements with your organization. Your information will be managed according to those agreements rather than the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. For details or to exercise your data subject rights related to such instances, please contact your organization.


As part of our commitment to privacy, we will update this Privacy Policy to incorporate new practices or accommodate changes in privacy requirements. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this page will reflect the most recent revision. In case of significant changes, we will notify you through email or by posting a notice on this website.


  1. Personal information we collect


At Paddo & Co. Inc., we collect various types of information to enhance your experience and provide personalized services. The following outlines the categories of data we gather:

  • Customer Service and Support: When you reach out to us for support or other service-related inquiries, we maintain records, including support tickets and communication details. For instance, if you use our support request forms, we collect information such as your name, contact details, email address, and the nature of your request.
  • Transaction and Billing Information: When you make a purchase, we collect transaction information, including payment card details processed through a third-party processor.
  • Surveys: Your responses in surveys, which vary in type, may include feedback on product satisfaction or service experience.
  • Other Information: We may collect additional personal data based on your consent or reasonable expectations given the circumstances.
  • Communications: Information provided in your communications, including contact details and records of interactions, is collected.
  • User Content: We gather user-generated content when you submit information or feedback through our Site or Services
  • Request a Demo: – If you request a demo, we collect:

– First name

– Last name

– Phone number

– Email address

– Organization name and type

– Any additional personal data provided in the comments.

  • Account Services: During the registration or account creation process, we may collect:

     – Your name

     – Email address

     – Physical address

     – Phone number

     – Business contact details

     – Organization name

     – Job title and primary role

     – Account name and password


  1. How we use the collected personal information


At Paddo & Co. Inc., we utilize your Personal Information for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Delivering Contracted Services: Ensuring the provision of contracted Services and enabling full utilization of Application functionality as purchased by our Clients.
  • Training and Support: Providing training and support to Application End Users and executing requested transactions.
  • Communication Channels: Engaging in direct communication via emails, calls, chats, and video conferencing
  • Sending Communications About
    • New Application features and upgrades
    • Our services and offerings
    • Event announcements
    • Product notices and changes to terms and policies
    • Specific programs chosen for participation
    • Promotional offers and surveys
    • Scheduling demos and managing free trials
  • Market Research: Conducting market research to enhance the quality and delivery of our Services.
  • User Analysis: Analyzing user clicks and Application usage to improve the overall user experience and maximize Service utilization.
  • Website and Application Management: Managing our Website and Application to maintain and deliver contracted functionality and services
  • Enforcement and Security
    • Enforcing Website and Application Terms, as well as separate contracts when applicable.
    • Preventing fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities.
    • Protecting the security or integrity of the Website, Application, our business, or Services.
  • Other Disclosures: Fulfilling other purposes disclosed to you at the point of collection or as required/permitted by law.

Important Note: At times, video conferencing calls may be recorded to analyze and enhance our staff’s communication skills. In such instances, we will notify you at the beginning of the conference call and include a link to our Privacy Policy in meeting invites and on registration pages. Importantly, we do not sell your information to any third party.


  1. Disclosures of Personal Data

At Paddo & Co. Inc., the disclosure and availability of personal data to third parties are managed in the following ways:

  • Processors and Service Providers: Personal data may be disclosed to service providers performing various services on our behalf, including IT services, hosting, chat bot provision, call centers, etc.
  • Corporate Affiliates: We may disclose personal data to corporate affiliates as part of our global business operations, aligning with the purposes outlined in this Policy.
  • Third-Party Advertising Networks, Analytics Providers, and Social Media Platforms: In collaboration with third-party entities such as advertising networks, search engines, social media platforms, sponsors, and traffic measurement services, we use information for site improvement, analytical purposes, targeted advertising, content personalization, and assessing the effectiveness of ads on external sites and platforms. Refer to Section 5 – Cookies and Other Tracking Mechanisms for details on opting out of interest-based advertising.
  • Business Transfers: Personal data may be disclosed in the context of commercial transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcy, or similar business transactions, and during the due diligence phase of such transactions.
  • Aggregate and/or Anonymized Data: We may utilize and disclose aggregate, anonymized, and non-identifiable data related to our business and Services for quality control, analytics, research, development, and other purposes. When handling anonymized data, we commit to maintaining and using the information in anonymized form, refraining from attempting re-identification except where permitted by law.
  • Compliance, Governance, and Legal Requirements:

Personal data may be disclosed to meet legal and compliance obligations, responding to legal processes, and addressing legal proceedings. This includes responses to subpoenas, court orders, and other legitimate requests by regulators and law enforcement. Information, including personal data, may also be disclosed in connection with litigation, legal claims, and proceedings, as well as for internal accounting, auditing, compliance, recordkeeping, and legal functions

  • Other Disclosures: Personal data may be disclosed for other specific purposes, with due notification and/or obtaining your consent when required.



  1. Cookies and Alternative Tracking Mechanisms

We, along with third parties, utilize cookies, pixel tags, session replay technology, and analogous tracking mechanisms to automatically gather information about browsing activities, device types, and similar details on our Site and Services. This information, which may be regarded as personal information in specific jurisdictions, is employed for various purposes. These include analyzing and comprehending how you access, use, and interact with our Site and Services; identifying and resolving bugs and errors; assessing, securing, protecting, optimizing, and enhancing our Site and Services’ performance; utilizing data for marketing, advertising, measurement, and analytics; and personalizing content on our Site and Services. Additionally, we may deidentify or aggregate this information to analyze trends, administer our Site and Services, gather broad demographic information, and for other lawful purposes.

  • Cookies: “Cookies” are alphanumeric identifiers employed for tracking purposes. Some cookies simplify navigation, facilitate a quicker log-in process, support Site security and performance, or enable us to track activity and usage data within the Site and across websites.
  • Cross-Device Tracking: Both we and third parties may employ the information collected within our Site and on other third-party websites and services to identify additional devices you use (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, other computers) when interacting or engaging with us or the Site.
  • Pixel Tags and Similar Technologies: Pixel tags, also known as web beacons or clear GIFs, are minuscule graphics with unique identifiers, akin to cookies. We may utilize these tracking technologies to comprehend users’ activities, assist in content management, compile usage statistics, and in emails to discern when they are opened or forwarded, facilitating the tracking of response rates and assessing the effectiveness of our communications.
  • Third-Party Analytics: We employ third-party tools like Google Analytics, operated by external companies to assess usage and traffic on our Sites and Services. These third-party analytics entities use cookies, pixels, and other tracking technologies to gather usage data, providing reports and metrics that aid in analysis, improvement, and enhancing performance and user experience. For insights into Google’s privacy practices, consult the Google Privacy Policy at . You can also download the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to prevent Google Analytics from using your data at


  1. Securing Personal Information

Ensuring the security of the personal information we collect and utilize is a paramount commitment for us. We employ an array of physical, administrative, and technical safeguards strategically designed to thwart unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. Adhering to internationally recognized security frameworks, we have implemented best-practice standards and controls. Our utilization of encryption technologies extends to safeguarding data both at rest and in transit.


  1. Your Entitlements

Our commitment to providing uniform services extends to all clients and end-users worldwide. Irrespective of your location or the prevailing privacy regulations, we afford certain rights to everyone.

  • Access Your Personal Information: You hold the right to access information about the personal data we process regarding you or request a copy of your personal information. Whether you’re an end-user accessing your account in the Application or seeking information through your employer, we ensure transparency about the information we have.
  • Notification of Data Collection: Be informed about the personal information we collect, how it is used, disclosed, and safeguarded. Our Privacy Policy outlines these details, and additional privacy notices may be provided at the point of direct information submission.
  • Modify Your Information: Correct or update your personal information by editing it through your user account in the Application or requesting changes via our support team at
  • Deletion or Erasure Request: Exercise your right to request the deletion of your personal information. While we’ll communicate the results within reasonable timelines, certain conditions may limit the complete erasure, and we’ll inform you of these reasons and any available alternatives.
  • Objection to Processing: Object to the processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes, leading to the cessation of such usage.
  • Personal Data Export: Ask for the export of all your personal information in a machine-readable format.
  • Managing Your Advertising Preferences

To opt-out or exert control over targeted advertising, leverage the options available through our website cookie banner to decline cookies related to advertising. Alternatively, you can explore opt-out controls provided by organizations associated with our advertising partners. Access these controls at:


United States: NAI ( and DAA ( )

Canada: Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (


For any of the above rights’ exercise or further inquiries, reach out to us at You also possess the right to file a complaint with the relevant local authorities overseeing privacy legislation in your jurisdiction.


  1. Retention of Your Personal Information:

We uphold your privacy by retaining information only for the duration necessary to deliver our Services to you and our valued Clients, while adhering to any legal obligations that mandate further retention. There are instances where information is retained for legal compliance, fraud prevention, fee collection, dispute resolution, problem troubleshooting, investigative assistance, enforcement of our Terms of Service, and other actions sanctioned by law. The handling of retained information strictly adheres to the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy. To ensure the responsible management of data, any information linked to you that surpasses its relevance to our Services may undergo processes such as de-identification or aggregation with non-personal data. This practice generates

valuable insights, such as statistical analyses of Service usage, contributing to the enhancement and optimization of our offerings at Paddo.


  1. Integration Partnerships and Reseller Activities:

At times, our Services offer configurations to seamlessly integrate with third-party solutions, including payment processors. It’s important to note that we, at Paddo, neither collect nor store payment processing information. In instances where necessary, we may share your business contact details with our integration partners or refer customers to third-party services. It’s crucial to recognize that customers engaging with these third parties enter into distinct agreements, exclusively regulating the processing of personal information. These agreements delineate the terms and conditions governing the collaboration between our customers and these external entities.


  1. Data Processing and Cross-Border Transfers:

Our data processing activities primarily occur in locations such as Google Cloud Platform and AWS Data Centres in North America. To ensure the lawful transfer of data across borders, we adhere to established legal mechanisms, often facilitated through contracts that incorporate data protection and sharing obligations.

  • Lawful Collection and Processing: We uphold a commitment to only collect and process personal data when there’s a lawful basis for doing so. Your visit to our Website and provision of personal information is done with your explicit consent.
  • Application End User Consent: As an Application End User, your initial login implies your consent to our collection of personal information. It’s essential to recognize that your employer maintains control over the account, with the ability to upload and share additional personal information. Your employer assumes the responsibility of ensuring that such actions align with relevant legislation.
  • Withdrawal of Consent: If we rely on your consent for personal data processing, you retain the right to withdraw or decline consent at any time. Questions regarding the lawful bases for collecting and utilizing your personal data can be directed to us at . For further details, you can review our terms and conditions here.
  1. Contact Us If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, feel free to reach out to us at Alternatively, you can contact us by mail at our primary business address:


Paddo & Co. Inc.

2275 Upper Middle Rd E, Suite 101

Oakville, ON, L6H 0C3
